About Us

The Boilermaker Contractors’ Association of Canada (BCA) was established in 1971 by a group of prominent Alberta and Ontario contractors who saw the advantage of negotiating common Collective Agreements for all provincial contractors instead of negotiating individually.  This common goal led to the accreditation of specific provincial and territorial boilermaker contractor associations across the country, other than Quebec, throughout the 1970s and 1980s.

Throughout the years, the key focus of the BCA has been to provide responsive and responsible collective bargaining and labour relations support to its members throughout Canada.  As the labour market has changed, the BCA has expanded its mandate to include a focus on workforce supply and development for future demand.

Through its Provincial and Territorial Contractors’ Associations, the BCA has been negotiating Collective Agreements with the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers & Helpers (IBB) and its’ local lodges since 1971.  The BCA provides our member contractors with effective collective bargaining, labour relations support and administrative needs and works with the IBB in a partnership to deliver safe, high quality construction and maintenance services to our members’ Owner clients.

The Boilermaker Contractors’ Association of Canada (BCA) is a non-profit organization representing approximately 118 signatory contractors across Canada, other than Quebec, who employ unionized boilermakers in the Industrial, Commercial and Institutional construction sector.

The BCA also represents employers who employ unionized boilermakers in short-term maintenance for the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba.

The objectives of the Association are with respect to all matters of labour relations, and:

  1. to co-operate together in maintaining uniform terms and conditions of employment in respect of personnel employed by member contractors of the Association;
  2. to represent member contractors of the Association in collective bargaining matters including union recognition, certification, negotiation, conciliation, mediation, arbitration and contract administration;
  3. to regulate collective relations generally between the Member Associations and their respective employees;
  4. to negotiate from time to time and enter into on behalf of contractors of Member Associations, collective agreements covering eligible employees with such bargaining agent or agencies as is required or may be permissible under applicable legislation;
  5. to introduce and develop common policies and standard practices relating to employment and training, wage and employee benefits, administration, health and welfare, with respect to member contractors of the Association eligible personnel, and the preparation of statistical data with regard thereto;
  6. to represent Member Associations in respect of matters relating to the application and enforcement of legislation governing labour standards;
  7. to do all such things as may directly or indirectly be incidental, conducive and proper for the attainment of the aforesaid objects.
BCA Mission

The BCA provides responsive and responsible collective bargaining and labour relations support to its members across Canada, and leadership to influence the construction and maintenance industry at large on critical issues.

BCA Vision

BCA Contractors and their IBB partners across Canada are the recognized industry leaders in delivering safe, stable, predictable, high quality construction and maintenance services to meet the needs of their Owner clients.

BCA Boards of Directors

Glenn Tardif – Chair
Edmonton Exchanger Group of Companies

Adrian DiCocco, P. Eng. – Vice Chair
CIMS Limited Partnership

Jeff Ruetz – Secretary-Treasurer
Balzer’s Canada Inc.

Jerome Dick
Babcock & Wilcox Canada Corp.

Tim Kargus
E.S. Fox Limited

Ghulam Murtaza, P. Eng.
Horton CBI, Limited

Jim Brewer
Lorneville Mechanical Contractors Ltd.

Mitch Soetaert
Melloy Industrial Services Inc.

Matt Beauregard
TVE Industrial Services Ltd.